About Guy Dauncey


I work to develop a positive vision of a beautiful, kind, sustainable future, and to translate that vision into action. I live in Yellow Point, near Ladysmith, British Columbia, Canada.

I am founder of the BC Sustainable Energy Association, co-founder of the Victoria Car Share Cooperative, and co-founder of the West Coast Climate Action Network.

I’m the author or co-author of ten books, including the award-winning  Cancer: 101 Solutions to a Preventable Epidemic and The Climate Challenge: 101 Solutions to Global Warming, and Journey to the Future – A Better World is Possible, an ecotopian novel set in Vancouver in the Year 2032. www.journeytothefuture.ca.

My new book The Economics of Kindness will be published in Summer 2024 by Palgrave MacMillan.

I am President of the Yellow Point Ecological Society, an Honorary Member of the Planning Institute of BC, a Fellow of the Findhorn Foundation in Scotland, and a Fellow of the Royal Society for the Arts. I host a TV show called Change the World.

My lifetime’s project is to rewrite the story of who we are, integrating the perennial dream of a better future into our scientific, evolutionary and civilizational story.

My full CV is here:


guydauncey at earthfuture dot com   250-924-1445

23 thoughts on “About Guy Dauncey

  1. To my sorrow, Guy, today I learned you had switched your support of mayor from Lisa to Dean. I have been excited knowing you and I were on the same future full of hope team again this year following through on projects in the past in which we pushed the boundaries of the status quo with hearts filled with hope. Lisa holds the same vision I have experienced in you and the capacity to act on what she says. She, too, interacts with a compassionate heart with and for the people she serves. I have seen her in action and admire her steadfast integrity in working to promote team collaboration. I am hoping there is still time for you to surface further information to reaffirm your support of her as a mayor who will rally civic leadership teams into the sustainable future to which you have given your considerable talents. Thank you.


  2. In June 2006 at a crowded Ottawa Ont. restaurant(The Green Door), Guy Dauncey politely allowed my dinner guest and I to share space at his table which he occupied with a guest.

    With sustainable admiration I have since followed Guy Dauncey in his writings, whether in book form or on Internet.

    NOW, I would be pleased as punch to know what the letters ”’FRSA”’ stand for after his name, if they are not England’s ”’Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts”’ or ”’Fellow of the Royal Society of Australia”’.




  3. Guy – where can I find your presentation that contains the story about teams of oxen serving as the first beginnings of the industrial revolution? You mentioned this last Friday at the Duncan symposiuym. (I think it was oxen….)


  4. Mr. Dauncey, I agree with your proposal for QE for the climate. I have struggled for a very long time to understand how our governments spend trillions per year on warfare and we cannot build an electric train across North America or provide sustainable housing and food to all our citizens. If the war budget became the climate crisis solution budget, we could turn this ship around in no time.


  5. Guy:
    Your questions about it agriculture are very timely. I wonder why people are not out ploughing fields. It is potato planting season. There is a real risk of vegetable and fruit failures to our south and supply chain failure.
    Health people have been seriously planning and preparing options, but not hearing anything about agriculture.


  6. Dear Guy Dauncey,

    Greetings. This is Grace EY Lee, a founder and CEO of Gaia Consult Inc.

    My firm is currently providing some consulting services to ROK government. As you may have heard, recently ROK government has introduced its New Deal (“Korean New Deal”) whose pillars include “Green New Deal” component.

    Seeing your comparative analysis (“Ten Green New Deals – How Do They Compare?/ https://thepracticalutopian.ca/2019/09/27/ten-green-new-deals-how-do-they-compare/) I am wondering if there would be any room for collaboration opportunity: In a nutshell, we are willing to support the analysis of the Korean Green New Deal in this framework. If possible, based on this analytical framework, we could assess the coverage/ambition of the Korean New Deal and possibly produce an analytical report on Korean Green New Deal jointly.

    What do you think? I would be happy to hear from you.

    Thanks, regards,

    / Grace EY (Taekyeong) LeeCEO, Gaia Consult Inc.http://gaiaconsult.biz/ 
    (+82) (0)10 7163 4735/ graceeyl@gaiaconsult.biz
    Seoul, South Korea


  7. I have seen some of your TV presentations and to read your ‘ectopian’ novel is on my to-do list – keep producing – your energy level is exhausting!!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Dear Guy , Just found your website and happily reminiscing about when I first bought “The Resurgence” magazine at “In Other Words” bookshop in Plymouth , UK , and then subscribed to it – a paper , hand printed , typewritten copy which you posted from Totnes each month .
    I was so pleased as a young adult that you once published a letter of mine in it and were kind enough to respond in print .
    So glad to see you are well and still keeping the faith in your inspiring , calm , supportive way .
    Just read your story about the Costa Rican girl and her school of the future on today’s Resurgence site . Must look at your books for more of the same .
    God bless , Chris .


  9. Greetings, Guy—Your 2008 Climate Solutions article in the Spring issue of Yes Magazine (entitled What We Can Do About Electricity) is one of my dad’s perennial favourites. We are still following you faithfully! Keep up the good work. – Jillian Paschen


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